Jamie Oliver

Packing up a pukka personality...

Brand Strategy.
Brand Creation.
Packaging Design.
As a much-loved household name (and face) worldwide, Jamie Oliver needed a brand that reflected his ‘pukka’ personality. The existing brand was inconsistent and disorientated, with a number of different looks being used across the globe. We saw the opportunity to create a coherent and cohesive brand which worked effortlessly across the product categories, at the same time bringing Jamie’s passion for food to the fore. Our inspiring design architecture had an eclectic, artisan feel, harnessing the brand's biggest asset. Jamie himself.

Our challenge was to create a design that shone across the entire product range, which included food, cookware, entertaining and gifting. One which licensees could easily replicate in an inspiring and authentic way.


As a much-loved household name (and face) worldwide, Jamie Oliver needed a brand that reflected his ‘pukka’ personality. The existing brand was inconsistent and disorientated, with a number of different looks being used across the globe. We saw the opportunity to create a coherent and cohesive brand which worked effortlessly across the product categories, at the same time bringing Jamie’s passion for food to the fore. Our inspiring design architecture had an eclectic, artisan feel, harnessing the brand's biggest asset. Jamie himself.


Our all-encompassing rebrand put Jamie firmly at its heart, with the flexible and adaptable architecture a real reflection of his endearing personality. The brand was purposefully designed, giving it the reach to extend across all product tiers and categories. From entry-level kitchen utensils to premium oils and balsamic vinegars, the brand was unmistakably, unequivocally, Jamie.

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